Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Back on Pace

I started going through RTK again about 2 1/2 weeks ago, and so far it's been great.

I had barely gotten through the book the first time when my study time was ripped away from me, but how quickly I am progressing the second time around just shows how powerful the method really can be, when properly utilized with an SRS ( Spaced Repetition System )

I have learnt to multitask quite well lately, right now I am writing this entry, Doing RTK reviews, cooking dinner, watching my twin daughter, AND moderating a chat forum ^^

Multitasking effectively, is key if you don't have enough time to dedicate to the cause ( Which we all know, is Japanese Fluency )

On another note my most recent order came in, and quite quickly I must say. I added "A Dictionary Of Basic Japanese Grammar" as well as the intermediate and advanced companions. I also recieved "Breaking into Japanese Literature" as well as "Exploring Japanese Literature"

Once I am done this runthrough of RTK I will have to experiment to see how I will continue on. I figure some combination of JFE, KAnji flashcards, a source of sentences putting Kanji into context and straight grammar input. Oh yeah, don't forget the SRS, love that thing!

I will let you know how things go
Until next time ^^


  1. How on earth are you managing to multitask all of that?!? That's really awesome. I'm barely able to get through my Anki reviews alone...

    How much time do you estimate before finishing RtK1?

  2. When you've got twins, a spouse working opposite shift of you, and little free time, you learn to multitask well if you desire having any type of sanity left ^^

    I assume that with taking a short break from RTK I will probably finish in about another 2 1/2 weeks, for a 5 week total, we'll see if I can cram on the weekends to make it quicker ^^
